What is Orthopedic Massage? Its Benefits
surgeons improve your skeletal injuries and deformities. Orthopaedic
massage therapists use alignment and release techniques to help
patients to recover from surgery and injuries. With modern techniques
and an evidence-based approach to massage, these practitioners help
to resolve your symptoms without exacerbating your existing
Orthopedic Massage
massage mainly focuses on the tissues and muscles surrounding the
joints of the body. They use anatomical science and a variety of body
manipulation techniques to create a measurable impact on patients. It
can be an excellent complementary treatment to a physician and
physical therapy. Main aims of massage are to alleviate the source of
physical pain and tension and orthopedic massage also works to
restore balance to these physical structures.
on below Video: Orthopedic Massage Lower Back Part 1
following is a list of conditions for which massage therapy, when
provided by a Massage Therapist, can be beneficial:
- Arthritis
Athletic injuries
Frozen shoulder
Low back pain
Muscle spasm
Muscle strains
General muscle tension
Headaches and migraines
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Respiratory problems
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Whiplash Associated Disorder
How Orthopedic Massage Differs from Other Massage Types
massage is a therapeutic style of massage, designed to achieve
measurable results.
massage is designed to restore joints to their normal range of
function and reduce pain from joint action.
massage is mainly focused on overall relaxation, while deep tissue
massage reduces deep muscle strain and pain. All massage
techniques can improve joint movement, but
orthopedic massage is specifically intended to do so.
massage therapists must have an extensive understanding of anatomy
and how misalignment of the soft muscles can affect the
system of the body and lead to pain and injury.
on below Video: Massage Therapy Techniques
of Orthopedic Massage
therapy provided a safe, affordable and effective alternative to
prescription painkillers. Though orthopedic massage benefits cases
with many symptoms and conditions, it is particularly effective for
specific physical injuries, including:
Frozen shoulder
Knee pain
Plantar fasciitis
Back pain and spasms
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Tennis and golfers elbows
Whiplash injuries
sure to discuss with your practitioner both before and during your
massage session. You will likely get better outcomes if your
therapist understands your pain level. Also, help your therapist to
determine the particular location of your pain as they manipulate and
stretch your body parts. You can always stop your massage therapy if
you experience any overwhelming pain, discomfort or emotional issues.
on below Video: Bones & Joints (Orthopedics)
practitioner may suggest self-care
exercises you can use to extend the benefits of
your therapy after the massage session. As with any massage, be sure
to rehydrate afterwards, as your body will need to flush lactic acid
and other toxins from the system.
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